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The best parenting support we can give our highly intuitive children is to teach them techniques to help self-regulate their emotions and manage their intuitive overload at any given time.

Some highly intuitive kids and adults can become overstimulated and/or distracted by the amount of intuitive information they constantly pick up from the environment around them especially if they don’t know how to manage the intuitive flow.

Incorporating some simple holistic techniques into your family’s daily routine will help your child learn powerful tools he or she can use for the rest of their life to help them manage when they feel overwhelmed. If you believe your child is dealing with anxiety or depression and trying these techniques doesn't help relieve their symptoms, you should consult a mental health or medical professional for further assistance.

When the entire family practices these techniques together, it can be fun, inclusive, and help the child feel supported, encouraged, and empowered.

Below is a summary of six techniques you can try. There are additional techniques, more detailed information, videos, and supporting articles on our Highly Intuitive Kids Stop over there and take a look around. You can check out the helpful techniques in the Resources section.

Technique #1 - Visualization --Protective Bubble

Have your child close their eyes and visualize being inside a protective bubble made out of white light. This bubble completely surrounds, grounds, and protects them and their energy. All other energies that don’t belong to them are outside of the bubble and cannot affect them. When inside this bubble they don’t take on anything that is not their own. Visualization techniques can help highly intuitive children establish energetic and intuitive boundaries.

Technique #2 - Meditation

Meditation is an effective mindfulness technique for kids and adults. It is scientifically proven to help calm the central nervous system, reduce stress, promote productivity, improve focus and relationships as well as regulate moods. Incorporating a daily family practice of meditating for 1 minute can provide powerful benefits. It can help these children become mindful of how they feel and give them a tool to self-regulate and move through any experience they face. Start with 1 minute and increase as the child gets comfortable with the family practice.

"Empath Affirmation - I will protect my energy. I will learn to set healthy boundaries. I will learn to say "no" at the right times. I will listen to my intuition. I will express my needs with supportive people. I will not hide my gifts. I will be authentic. I will stand in my power." – Dr. Judith Orloff

Technique #3 - Breathing Exercises

When children do deep breathing exercises, it brings immediate changes to the biochemistry of the body. This is another great self-management tool that helps decrease stress, relieve anxiety, slows their heart rate, improves focus and attention, and helps them control their emotions.

For highly intuitive kids, it also strengthens their vitality, inspiration, and connection.

Technique #4 - Tapping

Tapping, also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a powerful holistic technique the entire family can use. It is based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. It is proven to reduce stress, lower cortisol, improve sleep, reduce anxiety, relieve pain, and more. This is a technique some school have started using in their social-emotional wellness curriculums.

Technique #5 - Yoga

Yoga is a mind and body practice that is shown to help improve focus, reduce anxiety and stress in children as well as improve memory, self-esteem, academic performance, and classroom behavior. Practicing yoga as a family by taking a class or using online videos at home is a great way to introduce your family to the powerful benefits of yoga. Even incorporating just a few key moves like child's pose and tree pose for grounding and connection is very beneficial.

Technique #6 - Journaling/Drawing

Journaling/drawing is a great way for anyone to connect with their feelings to understand them more clearly. Through journaling and/or drawing a child is able to give a voice or pictures to their concerns, emotions, intuitive impressions, and more. They don’t have to hide or bury what they are feeling or experiencing. These tools can help start a dialogue and be a way of managing stress, anxiety, or depression.

I think these six holistic techniques are great self-management tools. My hope is that one day they will be incorporated into all school systems to help honor and support every child's over well-being.

Don’t forget to visit our website for more information. When you increase your awareness and knowledge of what is available to your family, you can provide better parenting support to your child and be a better advocate on behalf of your child.

Also, please click the button below to join our Highly Intuitive Kids - Parents Community on Facebook. Here you will have access to more information and find out about our upcoming events, workshops, and meet ups.

What holistic technique will you incorporate into your daily family routine to provide additional support to your highly intuitive child?

Please share in the comments.

Peace & Blessings,

Ellen Edmondson

Founder & Creator,

Mother to an amazing 12 year old highly intuitive kid who was featured on the A&E Psychic Kids show in 2019 and Inside Edition in January 2022


DISCLAIMER: All the information, guidance, and resources found here are not to take the place of seeking professional help if necessary and if you feel your family needs a higher level of care or additional support, please contact your local mental health or medical professional.


Emergency Services

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Toll Free Number: 1-(800)-273-TALK or 1-(800)-273-8255      

  • Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741741   

  • American Foundation for Suicide Prevention -  

  • Seize the Awkward -



Highly Intuitive Kids Media Info

Copyright © 2022. All Rights Reserved. Ellen Edmondson

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