Highly Intuitive Kids

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
~Albert Einstein~
Signs of High Intuition
Intuition involves the ability to pick up subtle information that is not perceived directly through any of the five senses, but rather is detected through an invisible sixth sense.
Empathy is the ability to tune in to how another person is feeling by registering those feelings through the body.
Intuitive empaths experience these ways of perceiving the world through an extra-magnified lens.
- Catherine Crawford, licensed marriage and family therapist specializing in the needs of intuitive empath children and adults, author of The Highly Intuitive Child: A Guide to Understanding and Parenting Unusually Sensitive and Empathic Children - www.LifePassage.com

Self Assessment - Does your child have high intuition?
Has a way of finishing my sentences and reading my thoughts.
Has an ability to "see" things before they happen and is surprised that other people respond to his or her predictions with amazement.
Frequently translates the needs and feelings of friends, parents, and siblings and animals and is surprisingly perceptive.
Is agitated by noisy, crowded events, and it takes him or her a long time to bounce back after disruptions.
Catches other's emotions or upset moods almost like a cold.
Is prone to headaches and stomachaches related to other people's stress.
Feels tension during traumatic world events, maybe even drawing pictures of them or spontaneously talking about them, without any external information about the events.
Is hard to keep a secret or surprise from: for example, he or she routinely guesses their birthday presents.
Has a tendency to have insights that outpace developmental norms.
Reports feeling different from his or her peers.